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SAPROTERRA Mighty Minerals: Al Purpose Organic Fertilizer

SAPROTERRA Mighty Minerals: Al Purpose Organic Fertilizer

Regular price $10.99 USD
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MIGHTY MINERALS is a unique organic fertilizer based on sapropel, which forms at the bottom of blue lakes through the decomposition of plants and microorganisms in conditions with limited oxygen presence. The production technology of MIGHTY MINERALS was developed by SAPROTERRA INC and meets all American and European standards. It is a versatile fertilizer suitable for all types of plants. It's granulated formula ensures prolonged fertilizer action, enriching plants with essential nutrients throughout their life cycle. The organic component of MIGHTY MINERALS consists of a complex blend of humic and fulvic acids, amino acids, vitamins, and enzymes. Additionally, it contains a unique combination of mineral complexes, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, boron, molybdenum, and other elements essential for plant growth and development. MIGHTY MINERALS is known for its effectiveness, safety, versatility, and ease of use. Its rich and unique composition makes it an indispensable choice for cultivating plants and improving soil properties.
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